Small Firm Practitioners

Benefit from the shared knowledge, resources, and experience of your colleagues working in small firms.

Virtual Roundtables

Connect and network with your peers while discussing practitioner challenges, solutions and idea-sharing on current events. Roundtables occur every other month via Zoom. Free for MICPA Members and do not qualify for CPE credit.

Check back here for new dates and continue the conversation between Roundtables by joining the Small Firm Interests Group on MICPA Connect.

Upcoming Dates

March 20, 2025 – Mid Tax Season Check In

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Virtual roundtables

Join a Monthly
Meeting Group

These local forums facilitate peer-to-peer discussion.


AICPA Private Companies
Practice Section Resource Hub

The PCPS offers resources to CPA firms from planning information to marketing resources.


PCPS Strategic Planning Toolkit

The toolkit is designed to help you effectively create a "shared by all" vision for the future of your organization, one that can be known and understood by everyone. While the process is standard, your outcomes will be personal. To get the most of your planning process follow the Guide for Using the PCPS Strategic Planning Toolkit. This on demand 10-step system is intended to walk you through the strategic planning process and is designed to help your firm think about the future from the comfort of your preferred location during the time that you can devote. We show you how to do it in a day with our Sample Agenda, or you can break it down into smaller pieces based on the approximate-time-needed prompts.

This tool is an example of the turnkey practice management tools and resources PCPS delivers. PCPS is an add-on firm membership section within the AICPA. A PCPS firm membership, at only $50 per CPA, up to a max of $800 per firm, is a great investment for a broad range of practice management resources.

PCPS Tool of the Month