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by Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, CGMA | Jun 10, 2020
Seemingly overnight, COVID-19 required every CPA firm to operate entirely in a virtual environment. While many firms were already cloud-enabled with functioning remote users, many firms, including an even larger number of firm personnel, were not. Firms rushed to adapt to whatever remote work tools were available without understanding the security risks they were taking on. Of course, hackers took notice and immediately began targeting security weaknesses, begging the question:
Is your firm secure in this post-COVID-19 world where everyone is remote?
With the IRS extending initial tax filing deadlines, now is the time to ensure the firm’s ‘virtual’ IT infrastructure is secure and to educate your personnel on how to function securely in this new environment. Below are security considerations to first discuss and remediate with your IT team, and then to educate all your personnel to protect your firm in this unparalleled time.
When working remotely, your computer is one of the first places to begin protecting your firm.
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Source: AICPA
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