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by MICPA | Jun 15, 2020
CPAs must earn 40 hours of continuing professional education each year, with a total of 80 hours reported in order to renew their license. (See details of how the 40 hours is broken down.) If you do not meet the annual earning requirement by June 30, 2020 you will need to remove the deficiency and earn the required penalty hours before renewing your license at the end of the reporting period, July 31, 2021.
Rule 211 in the Administrative Rules outlines what a licensee must do to remove a deficiency if short on CPE hours: A licensee who does not earn sufficient qualifying hours during the continuing education period may be allowed to renew a license upon reporting 80 qualifying hours and an additional 4 hours of continuing education credit for each month of time needed to remove the deficiency. The additional 4 hours of continuing education credit for each month of time needed to remove the deficiency shall not apply toward the qualifying hours of continuing education credit required in a continuing education period for the renewal of a license.
If you apply for licensure without the required CPE, you may be subject to a potential fine and a citation against your CPA license, which is an enforcement action that cannot be removed from your license. If you have not met your requirements and need to speak with someone regarding your license, please call 248.267.3700 and ask for the government relations department, or email
Source: MICPA
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