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by Erin K. Carson PMP | Jun 16, 2020
Reopening your office isn’t as simple as starting your car. Make sure to develop a comprehensive plan, take employee feedback into account and communicate all new policies to staff. Consider several factors before jumping to any reopening decision, starting with a couple of questions:
1. Are our employees still productive with the office closed?
2. Are our clients’ needs being met?
If the answer to both is “yes,” then what’s the rush to reopen? Understandably, you and your employees may be a little stir-crazy being at home, or maybe you’re frustrated paying rent for unused office space. Neither are good reasons to rush to reopen and risk employee safety. Perhaps now is a better time to consider boosting employee morale or focus on a long-term virtual solution that keeps clients and employees safe and shows that you care. There’s a session at this year’s all-virtual ENGAGE2020 (July 20-24) on enabling remote workers and virtual office.
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Source: AICPA
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