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by AICPA | Jul 27, 2020
The AICPA and CPA Practice Advisor magazine are looking for outstanding women professionals who continue to make their mark on the accounting profession as well as those who are emerging as the next generation of firm leaders, whether through new technologies, practices, workflow or dynamic work environments. Please use this form to nominate the women who are having the greatest impact on the tax and accounting profession.
The ideal candidate for the Most Powerful Women in Accounting awards will demonstrate the following traits:
1. She has been the driving force to create a culture of innovation or excellence within an accounting practice. If she is a vendor, she has helped to develop the technologies that will accounting empower firms to be more productive and profitable.
2. She should be at a management or ownership level within her firm or company where her leadership has had a demonstrable effect upon the practices and success of the organization.
3. She is a mentor and a role model, someone who stands out in her ability to encourage and help those around her succeed.
4. The work she does is having an impact on the accounting profession as a whole.
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Source: AICPA
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