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by Phil Thornton | Nov 3, 2020
Your clients will be looking for two things as they face this period of change and uncertainty in the new normal. Firstly, data-rich conversations in real time that will allow them to prepare for the unknown landscape before them. Secondly, advice and insight as they navigate the compliance and lockdown incentives put in place by the government. In short, there is an appetite for your expertise.
Many of our customers have already seen that the future of the accountant may well lie in advisory. While the shift to advisory has been in place for a few years, the uncertainty brought on firstly by Brexit and then by a global lockdown has accelerated the reliance on sound guidance from accountants.
Why? There is no one better positioned to advise your clients on how to improve profitability, prepare forecasts and build a strategic narrative. You have the intuition, experience and resources to guide them through the changes and help them put their business in the best financial state possible. What you need to be asking yourself is do you have the tools you need to do this?
Accountants are poised for growth if they can seize the opportunities that will present themselves over the coming years. Once you embrace the role the accountant can play in the post-lockdown world you need to make sure you have the tools and technology to deliver.
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Source: Accountancy Age
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