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by MICPA | Dec 8, 2020
The accounting industry was already poised to continue its trend toward sensible tech adoption in 2020, but the global pandemic shifted that trend into overdrive. Technological options such as cloud adoption, automated processes, data analytics, blockchain and even social media have seen widespread usage increases over the summer and into the fall. What choice did companies have, after all, but to use every tool at their disposal to adapt to new and unpredictable ways of doing business?
As we approach the final weeks of the year, and businesses face tough re-opening decisions, the tech question becomes: What tech innovations are going to prove the most useful to firms in 2021? The MICPA has composed its own list of predictions for the state of technology in accounting for the year ahead.
Here to Stay
Coming Soon
What to Avoid
As the accounting industry trends toward technology adoption, focusing on innovation and doing more with less, it is important to carefully evaluate any and all tech strategies prior to implementation. The biggest mistake to avoid in 2021 is over-automating and over-digitizing. According to Forbes, the biggest risk lives within automated communication, such as chatbots self-service solutions which can takeaway the personal aspects of a company differentiating it from its competitors. The less human-to-human contact a client has with a company, the less opportunity for emotional connection which is a key driving factor in generating customer loyalty5.
Source: MICPA
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