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by Marcel Schwantes | Dec 14, 2020
What separates the most positive leaders from those stuck in negativity? In a few words: a growth mindset.
Stanford professor Carol Dweck's famous research found that people with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Brains and talent are just the starting point. "This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment," states Dweck.
This is what describes great leaders. They understand that leadership is a self-evolved journey toward becoming better every day. On the flip side, a "fixed mindset" (according to Dweck) is the belief that one's traits are fixed and therefore cannot change. This short-sighted thinking can prevent important skill development and growth, which could sabotage your effectiveness as a leader.
A fixed mindset does something else that can be potentially damaging. It opens itself up to negativity and self-sabotage instead of assuming the immense opportunity for change and transformation.
I've worked with and for plenty of high-level managers who operated from this perspective. Negativity manifested in counterproductive behaviors like dishonesty, slander, selfishness, manipulation, and impulsivity. And the consequences led to distrust within their teams, a decrease in employee engagement, and even liability issues.
Negativity sucks energy from people and hampers productivity and performance. When persistent, a negative attitude in the workplace stifles creativity and innovation. Because of this, leaders at every level must be proactive and committed to operating from positivity.
What does that look like in practice?
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Source: Inc.
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