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by MICPA | Feb 25, 2021
When the CPA exam extension through Dec. 31, 2020 was granted, no one envisioned that we would still be living in a virtual environment in 2021. At the January State Board of Accountancy meeting, the issue was once again raised, no one wants to see CPA candidates lose CPA Exam credits due to the pandemic. Immediately after the meeting, the MICPA reached out to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to advocate for an additional extension for CPA candidates.
As a result, LARA has granted an extension through June 30, 2021 to ensure that candidates’ exam credits do not expire before they have the opportunity to complete the exam. Advocacy is a crucial function the MICPA provides for its members and the profession, and we look forward to continuing to work with the State Board of Accountancy and LARA to continue to serve CPAs and accounting students across the state.
Want to learn more about the role MICPA plays in advocacy and the licensing process? View our Advocacy page for a helpful infographic and more detail.
Source: MICPA
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