
Teleworker and Other Employer Challenges in 2021 and Beyond



COVID-19 impacts continue to challenge employers, particularly around the demand for telework arrangements after state and local mandatory work-from-home orders have expired. Another challenge is the lasting impact COVID-19 unemployment insurance claims will have on current and future unemployment insurance costs as many states grapple with how they will finance trust-fund shortages.

Nikolaos (Niko) Arhos, Esq./LLM, who leads EY’s Chicago-based employment tax advisory services practice, will share insights on the following:

  • COVID-19 unemployment benefit claims and the impact on employers’ current and future state unemployment insurance costs.
  • The employer’s role in managing unemployment insurance fraud.
  • Identifying work and resident location for teleworkers and why it matters.
  • Multistate payroll tax implications for hybrid teleworkers.
  • Teleworker payroll tax calculations – case studies.
  • Teleworker tax legislation and legal challenges.
  • Employer considerations in evaluating and managing telework arrangements.



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Get into the details and impacts of telework arrangements in Niko’s session at Elevate Telecommuter Tax Implications in the Time of COVID. Register now!

Source: Nikolaos Arhos, Esq., LL.M. – Senior Manager, Employment Tax Advisory Practice, EY, Chicago, IL

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