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by MICPA | Oct 25, 2021
Employee retention has become a major concern among businesses large and small, and the latest data from the Pulse of the American Workers: The Grand Experiment – Building the Future of Work commissioned by Prudential and conducted by Morning Consult in mid-September reveals that 46% of all workers are eyeing greener pastures in 20211. The numbers are highest among millennials, as Harvard Business Review recently reported that employees between the ages of 30 and 45 are currently creating the most stir in turnover rates the world over2.
“Gen Z and millennials are the most mobile participants in the workforce for a number of reasons,” senior economic analyst for Bankrate, Mark Marick told CNBC in September. “They aren’t making as much money as their older, more senior counterparts, so they’re more eager to find higher paid jobs, and they tend to be more technologically savvy, so they’re in a better position to take advantage of remote work opportunities3.”
But is offering remote work opportunities the end all, be all solution to slowing turnover in your business? The simple answer is, of course, no. There are a multitude of factors at play within today’s workforce, making it increasingly difficult to discern just what it is companies can offer to increase retention. As part of the MICPA’s new Accelerate event, live and in-person on Wed., Nov. 10 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:20 p.m. members are invited to join Jim Bitterle, BBA, MBA, and managing partner of EDSI Consulting, to discuss what it takes to become a destination employer. In his session, Making Your Organization Unquittable, attendees will unpack the current talent market, critical strategies working for other companies, and steps that can be taken to hit the decelerator on turnover in your own organization.
Visit MICPA Accelerate online for more details, including the full agenda and how to attend either virtually or in-person!
Source: MICPA
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