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by MICPA | Nov 2, 2021
If you, your company or your clients have not yet fallen victim to some type of scam or fraud, odds are it is not a questions of if, but when. As cyber criminals grow more sophisticated each year, staying on top of security vulnerabilities presents a greater challenge than ever. For CPAs, whether protecting sensitive client information or working as a criminal investigator for the IRS, fraud prevention is an ever-evolving bag of tricks.
According to the Journal of Accountancy, CPAs and paid tax preparers are among those legally required to draft a written information security plan to protect client data1. However, it seems that fraudsters are always a step ahead of the curve when it comes to identifying new vulnerabilities and keeping up with the breakneck speed at which new scams are emerging presents unique challenges for determining effective mitigation strategies.
So, what steps can be taken to ensure data protection? Join Marlene J. Beach, CPA, CFE, CVA and Principal at UHY, LLP for an in-depth breakdown on fraud and forensic accounting at MICPA Accelerate as she unravels the tangled web of fraud detection and prevention in today’s environment. Join her session, Fraud: A Never-Ending Story, as part of our virtual event on Wed., Nov. 10, 2021. Visit Accelerate online for the full agenda and CPE credit opportunities.
Source: MICPA
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