Michigan Accountancy Foundation (MAF)

The Michigan Accountancy Foundation’s (MAF) mission is to attract, inspire and support future generations of CPAs.

MAF Scholarship Program

The MAF provides scholarships for fifth year and graduate accounting students who are aspiring to become CPAs. Every year, more than $45,000 is provided to help these students realize their goals!

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The MAF Educator Symposium

The Accounting Educator’s Symposium is an event held every other year providing opportunities for teacher to hear from leaders in the accounting profession about the latest updates and important issues specific to accounting education.

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MAF Educators Grant

The Michigan Accountancy Foundation (MAF) offers a grant to support projects or programs designed to increase the number of students becoming CPAs in Michigan. Up to $10,000 may be awarded per project.

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Visit MAF Online

Apply for a scholarship, see upcoming events, and more!

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